How It Works

Start selling your content in just a few steps.
It’s that easy!

Open Dropdown

Top tips for using Purchase Links

Giving a Taster of content to drive sales of full version
If you are interested in more detailed reports about access to your Purchase Links or need a shorter link or QR code to place in promotional materials, you may want to consider using URL shorteners like goo.glopen_in_new or bit.lyopen_in_new.
URL Shorteners for Purchase Links
If you are interested in more detailed reports about access to your Purchase Links or need a shorter link or QR code to place in promotional materials, you may want to consider using URL shorteners like goo.glopen_in_new or bit.lyopen_in_new.
Sharing Purchase Links outside of your website
If you are interested in more detailed reports about access to your Purchase Links or need a shorter link or QR code to place in promotional materials, you may want to consider using URL shorteners like goo.glopen_in_new or bit.lyopen_in_new.
Programmatically manage purchase links
If you are interested in more detailed reports about access to your Purchase Links or need a shorter link or QR code to place in promotional materials, you may want to consider using URL shorteners like goo.glopen_in_new or bit.lyopen_in_new.

How it Works for the Buyer?

The buyer selects the content they would like access to by clicking on your purchase link.
For paying, the buyer can choose between paying with a card,  with Paydemic wallet or Paypal.
Then, they  will be directed straight to the content that has been purchased.
Any subscriptions or other purchases will be fulfilled directly by the seller.
Are you a buyer?

How does the Purchase Link & Subscription Widget function?

How does the purchase Link function?
The Purchase link/ widget is customizable from your Publisher Panel, so you can display it in a manner
that best fits your website content.
The Serial Publication widget will behave like the demo button below:
Access Full Content
How does the Subscription Widget function?
The Subscription widget is customizable from your Publisher Panel, so you can display it in a manner
that best fits your website content.
Subscribe to Print Edition widget will behave like the demo button below:
Subscribe to Print Edition